All over the world the situation seems critic. Everyone doesn’t want to travel and they prefer to stay at their home. Anyway, there are many reasons to visit Naples now. Let’s discover them and organize your trip to Campania! Visit Naples now: a wonderful food trip First of all, you have to visit Naples now […]
Read moreNaples is the city where food is fantastic. People from all around the world come into the city to eat something typical of Naples. The best food are the well known Pizza and Babà, but there is also something to eat during the winter season. Let’s explore 5 winter food to eat in Naples when […]
Read moreProcida is the smallest island in Naples’ gulf. In other articles we have seen the beauties of Capri island and the activities to do on Ischia island. This time we show you 5 things to do in Procida island! There are some good activities you have not to miss when you’ll visit the island. Let’s check […]
Read moreEveryone who visits Campania, of course knows that one of the places that can’t be missed is Capri Island. It is not a chance that this magical jewel of the sea is considered one of the most desired destinations from tourist from all over the world. But not all people know how to reach the […]
Read moreThe city of Naples loves tradition and spirituality. It is not a chance that there are many churches and religious places of a big importance and beauty at the meanwhile. Somewhat all this is due to the large number of Patron Saints that, as the local tradition tells, overlook and guar after the town. Let’s […]
Read moreTutti coloro che visitano la Campania sanno che una delle mete da non perdere della regione è l’isola di Capri. Non a caso, questo vero e proprio gioiello paesaggistico è una delle mete più ricercate da turisti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Tuttavia, molti non sanno come poter raggiungere la magnifica isola. Onde evitare […]
Read moreCon l’arrivo della stagione estiva, Napoli è stata invasa da un’ondata di caldo. La maggior parte della popolazione partenopea è abituata a questo clima, che però può essere realmente molto fastidioso. Molti per rinfrescarsi, scelgono di recarsi nei migliori luoghi dove fare il bagno a Napoli. Tuttavia, non tutti preferiscono il mare, in quanto odiano […]
Read moreDoing shopping in Campania can be a really nice experience, not only for tourists but for its residents as well. Previously we’ve shown some of the most popular shopping streets in Naples, where you can buy luxurious clothes with a very high quality. Right now, we’re rather focusing our interest on the best Campania’s shopping […]
Read moreNapoli è una città che ama la tradizione e la sacralità. Non a caso, ci sono decine e decine di chiese e punti religiosi dalla bellezza e dall’importanza colossale. In partem ciò è dovuto alla gran moltitudine di santi patroni di Napoli, che secondo la tradizione popolare, vegliano e proteggono la città. Andiamo dunque alla […]
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